Monday, November 5, 2007

Daniel in The Lion's Den with Real Lions

From storyteller123 @

Vishwas had told some Bible stories to a village family who were Hindus. Consequently Gautum, the head of the family, came to believe in Christ.

Among the stories that they had listened to was the story about Daniel and the lions (Daniel chapter 6).

Late one night as Gautum and a friend were walking through the forest going back to their village, they were suddenly confronted with a lion standing in their path. The friend was struck speechless with terror, but Gautum instantly remembered the Daniel story, and prayed aloud: "The one who delivered Daniel from the lions' mouth is able to deliver us also." Then they turned and ran as fast as they could; amazingly the lion did not pursue them.

When they attempted to pass through later, the lion was no longer there.

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