Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Welcome to the Bible Story Telling Blog

Welcome to the Bible Story Telling Blog.

As the heading says, this blog concerns my notes on the application of Bible Story Telling for evangelism and Christian formation.

My context is rural TN.

I am a bivocational pastor in a small church.

The church was formed in 1938 through the diligent efforts of Mary Kay Moody a home missionary in the Southern Presbyterian church.

She began where we resume, gathering those without a church home to hear the stories of the Bible. From that Sabbath School sprung the church that exists today.

Together, by the grace of God, we are relearning the use of Bible Story Telling as a means of evangelism and Christian formation.

Update 4/2008 - As the great John Newton hymn says "Through many dangers, toils, and snares" I proceed with this project. I haven't incorporated enough story telling into the ministry here to my satisfaction due to many factors including TIME. It takes time to master storytelling and bivocational pastors don't have much of that! But by the grace of God we'll keep trying to master this and use bible story telling in our ministry.


Lehel Deak said...

Let's gets blogging!

C said...

Thank you Synod Presbyter!